Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Silly Toys . . . Transformation Needed

My grandson's 7th birthday was last Friday.  One of my friends and her kids gave him a Transformer toy that was Bumblebee that could "transform" into a truck.  It came with visual instructions.  He asked me to help him transform it into the truck but every time we tried we got frustrated!

After working on it all weekend and into Monday night I finally got it "transformed" into the truck (using the visual instructions at the very last).  Anyway, I felt as happy as if I was the 7 yr old that just got the present. This was an exercise in frustration and perseverance.

So, what did I learn from this toy?

    1)  Any toy that transforms is too complicated for me.  I think it requires an ENGINEERING DEGREE.

    2)  It's easy to feel like a kid again . . . just help your kid with one of their toys.  When your successful it              takes you right back to kid days!



Saturday, July 26, 2014

Funny, Profound, Sweet

I remember when I was a child of about 10-12 years old my oldest brother was taking pictures around the house, for what reason I don't remember, and I was upset because he wouldn't take a picture of me.  I was standing outside the back door of our house.  There was a knock and I opened the door and there he was with the camera and took a picture of me.

To this day I don't understand whey I answered a knock on the door coming from inside the door while I was standing OUTSIDE the door.  But thinking back on that I realize that my brother was trying to include me while making a joke.

I think this one I will name FUNNY and maybe even PROFOUND.  Funny is self-explanatory, but profound is because years later I  realize my brother always tried to include me when he could.  

Growing up in the 60's and 70's our life wasn't perfect.  We had more than some but less than most, but we never felt we were lacking anything.  There were many times I just wanted to be with my brothers.  They were quite a bit older than me (5 yrs & 8 yrs older).  I didn't think so at the time but my brothers, especially my oldest one, tried to include me as much as possible.  One word I forgot to add . . . Sweet . . . he could be so sweet at times!
